#musochat Analysis Discussion News

Join me for this week’s #musochat: Online Presence

I have the pleasure of hosting this week’s #musochat discussion! I’m looking forward to a lively and informative discussion, so without further ado…

This week’s topic: Online Presence

Description: The Internet has irrevocably changed the landscape of communication and the ability to share ideas (#musochat is a perfect example). The Internet and Social Media has provided new tools to allow us to connect with people we may never have been able to in the first place, furthering opportunities for artistic growth, communication, ideas, development, and our ability to “get ourselves out there.” What role does the internet, social media, and electronic communication in general play in accomplishing your musical ambitions?

Come join the discussion on Twitter this Sunday at 9pm EST/6pm PST. You can find us by searching using the hashtag #musochat (or by simply clicking on this link).

Some ground rules (courtesy of J.M. Gerraughty):

  1. If you’re responding to a specific question (i.e. — Q1), indicate it in your answer (i.e. — A1).
    • I’ve pre-scheduled all the whole number questions (Q1, Q2, etc.), but if I find an interesting subject to follow up on, I’ll insert decimal questions as necessary (Q1.1, Q1.2, etc.)
    • As host, I won’t be answering questions unless asked directly — I’ll be concentrating on hosting and keeping conversation flowing.
  2. You are not obliged to answer any questions.  Hell, you can just lurk the entire time and not say anything!
  3. If you do want to participate, make sure that you put #musochat into your tweet, so we can all see it.
  4. Keep your language civil. Disagreement is okay, flaming is not!
  5. Q n’ A will last for about an hour, but conversation can go as long as people are willing to talk.

By Jay

Composer, guitarist, husband, father, pun enthusiast.

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